Monday 28 July 2014

What is the Israeli/Palestinian situation actually all about?

Did you know that not every Israeli is a Zionist? Also, did you know that not every Palestinian, including those struggling to survive on the Gaza strip, supports Hamas? What follows is opinion, with a whole load of facts thrown in.

You know how in Hollywood, certain film stars end up being typecast, because they play a villain so well, and find they cannot get any other part unless it is a villainous one. Well it seems people in the normal world get typecast too. However, quite literally, not all Palestinians follow Hamas’ ideals, and not all Jews are Zionists.

But, while Israelis sit in their armchairs, beer in hand, at the Gaza border, cheering as families and babies are slaughtered, we really need to start putting things in perspective and seeing life as it actually is. This action, incidentally, was even caught on an interview with CNN reporter, Diana Magnay – as she explained the current situation in the region, the cheering could be heard going on in the background.

Magnay even got into trouble for a tweet she sent from the scene. She immediately deleted it, just before they relocated her away from the Gaza situation all the way to Moscow. Basically this is what it said:

“Diana Magnay - @dimagnayCNN
Israelis on hill above Sderot cheer as bombs land on #gaza; threaten to ‘destroy our car if I say a word wrong’. Scum.”

Why, we ask, throwing our hands in the air, are innocent people with no connection to Hamas, including hundreds of women and children, and even in one case 20 members of the very same family, being bombed and slaughtered?

It started when three teenagers were murdered

In a seriously tragic incident, three young Israelis were kidnapped and murdered. With no evidence given, Israel placed the blame for this awful slaughter firmly on Hamas. Shortly after this, a 14 year old Palestinian boy from a town near Jerusalem was captured, beaten, tortured and burned alive, in some kind of tit-for-tat response.

These incidents were allegedly the start of the current and ongoing offensive by Israel against Gaza. However, it has since come to light that the perpetrators of the killing of those Israeli teenagers, while identified as veteran members of Hamas’ military wing, were actually a rogue element that likely acted without the knowledge and against the wishes of Hamas leadership.

Apparently some sources believe that the Netanyahu government knew about this all along and just wanted to use the situation to whip up the frenzy among the Israeli public that would then allow them to attack Gaza and continue to work towards their actual aims.

“It’s all about self-defense”

While Israel insists that “Operation Protective Edge” is all about self-defense, and that, “Hamas started the whole thing in the first place,” we need to look a little deeper into the whole story before deciding who should take blame, and who is possibly innocent.

While it is true that a country has the right to self-defense, are we not seeing something far beyond the defense of self here? Let’s not compare the numbers of the dead on each side, as the balance is so completely off, it is positively terrifying. Let’s just point out that now at least 1,000 Palestinians are dead from the current “operation,” the majority of which are innocents, and the number of course includes hundreds of children and babies. How can a child or a baby possibly be considered a threat to the mighty nation of Israel, you ask? Good question.

While the UN Charter does reserve the right of force for its Security Council members, and individual countries can act in self-defense when threatened, the response should be proportionate to the threat that country is facing and it should be short-term, until such time as UN agents can intervene in the situation.

Looking at Israel’s “defensive response” in the current situation, we can see that it is grossly disproportionate to the threat faced, literally by proportions of hundreds to one. When Israel seeks “self-defense,” it is never short-term and often goes on for weeks of constant and never-ending bombardment, while their famous “Iron Dome” intercepts most rockets coming their way from Hamas.

When talks of a ceasefire arise, Israel never really gives this any serious attention. For instance, in recent days, just 20 minutes before the beginning of a 12 hour ceasefire, Israel carried out a massive bombardment of Gaza's Shijaiyah neighborhood, leveling a building complex, which can be seen on YouTube here.

Obviously the scales are balanced mostly in Israel’s favor for so many reasons. They have a sophisticated modern military. They own helicopters, fighter jets, tanks, and have their anti-rocket defense system, while Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza have Stone Age weapons by comparison, often using “home-made” rockets.

And there is always the big story. Why does a country, acting in pure self-defense, need to blockade and militarily occupy territories belonging to other people for literally decades, if this is in self-defense? 
A series of maps showing how little is actually left for the Palestinians

 “Peace-loving nation”

According to Israel, they are a peace-loving nation, but what have they done so far to enable that peace? Without even touching on the Palestinian issue, in the country’s brief history they have repeatedly invaded their neighbors, including Egypt in 1956, Syria, Jordan and Egypt (again) in 1967. They invaded Lebanon three times, in 1978, 1982 and 2006. Over the years they have launched airstrikes against Iraq and Syria with no real come-back on them. Does that sound like a peace-loving nation to you?

Again, according to Israel, they do everything they possibly can to avoid civilian deaths. For instance they say they warn people to leave the area before they bomb the living hell out of it.

A regular practice of the IDF is to drop a “small” bomb on a house, to warn family members to leave their home before they drop a much larger version and raze the building to the ground. Watch this YouTube video for an example of this practice – if it goes a bit too slow for you, fast forward to 1.20 to see the house completely demolished. How is that about fighting any kind of enemy? It makes you think this is more about demolishing a city, step by step.

Apparently even this so-called “roof-knocking” does not always save people, as on July 17, three young children were killed while playing on the roof of their home in the Sabra neighborhood by just such a “warning.”

They hand out leaflets or use the media to warn people to flee or evacuate before they attack. Flee or evacuate to where exactly? The Gaza Strip is a relatively small place. Where are the residents supposed to go when these attacks happen? They are walled in, enclosed in the equivalent of a fish bowl and when Israel attacks, is it not so much like “shooting fish in a barrel” than anything else?

Even kids playing football on a beach are slaughtered, what does this have to do with self-defense?

Besides the fact that their tactics in most cases do not save civilian lives, the approaches they use are also not acceptable under international law. Said law prohibits a military attack if there is a high risk of civilian casualties and obviously if you are bombing a densely populated city, with thousands of people trapped in a small area, there is an extremely high risk.

Also under international law, it is stated that the warring parties involved must allow civilians to flee the area for safety. Yet, in Gaza, which has severe limits on all civilian access in and out of the territory, there is no way for these innocents to flee.

As for the current conflict, it should be noted that most civilian casualties have happened in places that should never have been targets in the first place, including cafés, hospitals, a home for the disabled, people’s houses and apartment buildings, and so on. None of these structures should ever have been a target, under international law.
So we must ask ourselves in all honesty, why is all this happening.

Gaza is sitting on a treasure-trove

In recent weeks, the media has brought to our attention a literal treasure-trove of natural gas reserves located just off the coast of Gaza.

On one hand, back in 2000, British Gas (BG) apparently discovered what was claimed to be $4 billion worth of natural gas reserves, with the Palestinian Investment Fund (PIF) and BG, both investing in the project, and with BG holding 60 percent of the rights to said gas. On the other hand, in the last couple of years, Israel has apparently been suffering an energy crisis, which gets worse by the day, as per this letter written by two Israeli scientists.

An excerpt from the letter reads, “We believe Israel should increase its [domestic] use of natural gas by 2020 and should not export gas,” with another part reading, “The Natural Gas Authority’s estimates are lacking. There’s a gap of 100 to 150 billion cubic meters between the demand projections that were presented to the committee and the most recent projections. The gas reserves are likely to last even less than 40 years!”

So now Israel desperately needs energy and we look to who holds exactly what they need.
Shortly after the 2006 election of Hamas, Israel started negotiations with BG, with Israel insisting that they want the gas, but on the other hand, no part of the revenue from this gas should get into the hands of Hamas. Ergo, what Israel needs to do is get rid of Hamas. Problem solved, loads of natural gas on hand. This may sound a little simplistic, but is it really?

It is interesting to note that Israel’s negotiations with BG actually happened at the exact time that another awful slaughter known as “Operation Cast Lead” began in June 2008. While the negotiations were going on, Israel killed 1,417 Palestinians, displaced over 50,000 Gazans and destroyed over 4,000 homes with their air strikes, followed by a deadly ground invasion, just like we are seeing right now in the current operation. Israel says that these invasions are to secure areas where rockets are fired within the Gaza strip, but it seems nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact it seems far more likely these ongoing and brutal operations are merely a means towards the eventual goal of Israel’s appropriation of Palestinian natural gas, which has nothing to do with self-defense, and everything to do with self-interest.

Sources on Palestinian natural gas:
Other related news reported by Anne Sewell:

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